
Independent. Objective. Accurate.

U.S. M2 Money Supply Forecast

M2 Money Supply Forecast Values

Billion US Dollars.  Seasonally Adjusted.

Month Date Forecast Value Avg Error
0 Jun 2024 20956.8 ±0.0
1 Jul 2024 20979 ±28
2 Aug 2024 20936 ±31
3 Sep 2024 20909 ±33
4 Oct 2024 20974 ±34
5 Nov 2024 21062 ±35
6 Dec 2024 21248 ±36
7 Jan 2025 21505 ±37
8 Feb 2025 21786 ±37

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Chart of U.S. M2 Money Supply with Forecast.

Billion US Dollars.  Seasonally Adjusted.

Chart of M2 Money Stock

Other Money Supply Resources:

A long range forecast for the M1 and M2 money supplies is available by subscription.  Click here for more information or to subscribe now

Current Economic Indicators
July 26, 2024
Indicator Value
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Crude Oil Futures, $/bbl 76.86
U.S. 10 Year Treasury, % 4.20

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