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Pound to Dollar Forecast GBP/USD

Below is a forecast of U.K. Pound versus the U.S. dollar (GBP/USD) broken down by month. This forecast is produced based on prior values of the GBP/USD along with other currency exchange rates. The forecast is also based on interest rates, commodity prices and economic indicators. To learn more about how this forecast is produced, please see our methodology page.

Chart of GBP to USD Exchange Rates with Forecast

USD per GBP with Current Forecast.

Chart of GBP/USD Exchange Rate with Forecast

GBP/USD Exchange Rates Forecast Values

U.S. Dollars per one British Pound.  Average of Month.

Month Date Forecast Value Avg Error
0 Sep 2024 1.3214 ±0.0000
1 Oct 2024 1.310 ±0.010
2 Nov 2024 1.289 ±0.0114
3 Dec 2024 1.313 ±0.0122
4 Jan 2025 1.361 ±0.0128
5 Feb 2025 1.383 ±0.0132
6 Mar 2025 1.404 ±0.0136
7 Apr 2025 1.415 ±0.0139
8 May 2025 1.429 ±0.0142

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USD to GBP Historical Values

U.S. Dollars per one British Pound.

Date Historical Value
Sep 2019 1.2369
Oct 2019 1.2657
Nov 2019 1.2884
Dec 2019 1.3109
Jan 2020 1.3076
Feb 2020 1.2953
Mar 2020 1.2369
Apr 2020 1.2420
May 2020 1.2302
Jun 2020 1.2523
Jul 2020 1.2701
Aug 2020 1.3133
Sep 2020 1.2947
Oct 2020 1.2980
Nov 2020 1.3198
Dec 2020 1.3434
Jan 2021 1.3641
Feb 2021 1.3867
Mar 2021 1.3863
Apr 2021 1.3845
May 2021 1.4084
Jun 2021 1.4025
Jul 2021 1.3808
Aug 2021 1.3797
Sep 2021 1.3732
Oct 2021 1.3701
Nov 2021 1.3463
Dec 2021 1.3303
Jan 2022 1.3555
Feb 2022 1.3540
Mar 2022 1.3168
Apr 2022 1.2933
May 2022 1.2438
Jun 2022 1.2320
Jul 2022 1.1987
Aug 2022 1.1983
Sep 2022 1.1320
Oct 2022 1.1332
Nov 2022 1.1727
Dec 2022 1.2180
Jan 2023 1.2237
Feb 2023 1.2084
Mar 2023 1.2138
Apr 2023 1.2446
May 2023 1.2484
Jun 2023 1.2627
Jul 2023 1.2893
Aug 2023 1.2706
Sep 2023 1.2381
Oct 2023 1.2175
Nov 2023 1.2437
Dec 2023 1.2657
Jan 2024 1.2701
Feb 2024 1.2630
Mar 2024 1.2713
Apr 2024 1.2521
May 2024 1.2634
Jun 2024 1.2717
Jul 2024 1.2858
Aug 2024 1.2940
Sep 2024 1.3214

Other British Pound to Dollar Exchange Rate Resources:

A 5 year forecast for the GBP to USD Exchange Rate and similar economic series is available by subscription. Click here for more information or to subscribe to the GBP USD Extended Forecast

Current Exchange Rates
October 21, 2024
Currency Exchange Rate
Japanese Yen to Dollar 150.84
Euro to Dollar 1.082
U.K. Pound to Dollar 1.299
Australian Dollar to USD 0.666
Indian Rupee to USD 84.08
Canadian Dollar to USD 1.383
Mexican Peso to USD 19.98

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