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Korean Won to US Dollar Exchange Rate Forecast

S. Korean Won to US Dollar Exchange Rate Forecast Values

South Korean Won per One U.S. Dollar.  Average of Month.

Month Date Forecast Value Avg Error
0 Jun 2024 1380.38 ±0.00
1 Jul 2024 1388.0 ± 9.8
2 Aug 2024 1406.0 ±11.1
3 Sep 2024 1386.0 ±11.9
4 Oct 2024 1354.0 ±12.4
5 Nov 2024 1329.0 ±12.9
6 Dec 2024 1306.0 ±13.2
7 Jan 2025 1275.0 ±13.5
8 Feb 2025 1269.0 ±13.8

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Chart of KRW to US Dollar Exchange Rates

S. Korean Won per One U.S. Dollar.  Average of Month.  Includes Prediction.

Chart of KRW to USD Exchange Rate with Current Forecast

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Current Exchange Rates
July 26, 2024
Currency Exchange Rate
Japanese Yen to Dollar 153.74
Euro to Dollar 1.086
U.K. Pound to Dollar 1.287
Australian Dollar to USD 0.655
Indian Rupee to USD 83.72
Canadian Dollar to USD 1.383
Mexican Peso to USD 18.44

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