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U.S. Jobs Report Forecast

Jobs Growth Forecast Values

Change in Non-farm Payrolls, Month over Month, Thousand People.

Month Date Forecast Value Avg Error
0 Jun 2024 206 ±0
1 Jul 2024 127 ±43
2 Aug 2024 71 ±48
3 Sep 2024 -136 ±51
4 Oct 2024 -159 ±53
5 Nov 2024 -206 ±54
6 Dec 2024 -284 ±56
7 Jan 2025 -568 ±57
8 Feb 2025 -488 ±58

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Chart of U.S. Jobs Growth

Change in Nonfarm Payrolls. Includes Forecast.

Chart of U.S. Nonfarm Payrolls Growth and Forecast

Other Employment Links of Interest:

A long range forecast for Non-Farm Payrolls, Jobs Growth and Unemployment Rate is available by subscription.  Click here to subscribe.

Current Economic Indicators
July 26, 2024
Indicator Value
S&P 500 5459.10
U.S. GDP Growth, YoY % 3.12
U.S. Inflation Rate, % 2.97
Gold Price, $/oz-t 2385.92
Crude Oil Futures, $/bbl 76.86
U.S. 10 Year Treasury, % 4.20

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